You Never Know...
More than four years ago, I was divinely inspired to launch this thing called MotiRAYtion. It was intended to be a vehicle to spread...

Navigating This Thing Called Life: Prince, Punctuation, and Transition
June is African-American Music Month. And if you know anything about music, you are, no doubt, aware of the great American...
New Year's Resolutions and Other Broken Promises: 3 Ways to Ensure the Change You Want to See in
This time next week, Planet Fitness, VIDA, Gold’s, Bally’s, and other gyms across the nation will see an influx of new and long lost...
When Life Emulates the Mannequin Challenge
If you have in any way plugged into social media over the past few weeks, there is no doubt that you have encountered the Mannequin...
When the Ticket and the Trip Do Not Agree
A colleague and I recently traveled to Cleveland for work. Preparing for my trip, I frantically searched emails to find my travel...
Your Plate Does Not Determine Your Portion
I recently attended my high school class reunion. As with most social functions there was food involved. As I stood in line at the buffet...