You Never Know...
More than four years ago, I was divinely inspired to launch this thing called MotiRAYtion. It was intended to be a vehicle to spread encouraging and motivational thoughts on life. It got off to a great start, but in the words of Earth, Wind, and Fire, “Somehin’ happened along the way.” Seemingly overnight, this endeavor that I was so excited about gently faded into the background. However, not a day went by where I wasn’t plotting a way to turn this rapidly dying flicker back into a steady flame.
One day while my sister was out of town, she met a woman in the store and they randomly started talking. During the conversation, my sister wanted reference a photo that was saved in her phone. As she scrolled through photos to get to the one she was looking for, she scrolled pass one of me. Looking on, the woman saw my picture and exclaimed, “That’s the MotiRAYtion guy! I love him!” Next thing you know, I am on the phone with some random woman talking to me as if she has finally met her celebrity crush. It was that very moment that I knew, much like Constance Landry, I’d be back.

The old adage is true. You never know who’s watching. Your life and actions, regardless of whether you see it as gloom or grandeur, impact others. No matter how insignificant you may feel, we all have something valuable in us that someone else needs to survive. That business you wanted – start it. That book you started – finish it. That trip you wanted – take it (when its safe to do so, of course). Those classes you have been pondering – take them. The appointment you wanted to make – set it. It’s never to late for a new beginning. Your new beginning just may be the fuel someone needs to get to their next destination in life.